Best Practices for Application Performance Testing
Article published in by Alex Weiss, Senior Solution Architect at Orasi Software. When done properly, software application performance testing determines if a system meets certain acceptable criteria for both responsiveness and robustness. Before you jump in to testing though. there are some best practices to remember. Start by defining test plans that include load testing, […]
How Can a DevSecOps Approach Enable Cloud Migration to Transform an Organization?
By: Mark Lewis, SVP Sales and Marketing Cloud has become a formidable force for enterprises across all verticals. It is no longer a technology choice that only some businesses use for cost or elasticity advantages. It’s becoming a fundamental shift for almost every business because of its multiple benefits. Moving to the cloud helps businesses: […]
Training Tips to Make Virtual 2021 Sales Kickoffs a Success
Article published in Association for Talent Development (ATD) by Joe Schulz, VP Emerging Technology at Orasi Software. This year saw sales kickoffs move from convention centers to home offices and shift from conference tables to kitchen islads. The impact of this sudden change was felt across all sectors of industry, but as those in sales […]
How to Choose the Right Model for Developing a Software Product or Application?
By: Jim Azar, Sr. Vice President, CTO When you hear the word ‘software development model’, chances are you think of ‘SDLC’ first. Yes, SDLC or Software Development Life Cycle is how most people understand and visualize application development. But this domain is more diverse and complex than that. SDLC is composed of a series of […]
DevSecOps: Can it future-proof the software development lifecycle?
By: Mark Lewis, SVP Sales and Marketing Let’s start this topic by thumbing through the pages of a recent report. Based on scans performed on 85,000 applications, it was highlighted that the average fix time for vulnerabilities found in applications was 171 days (Veracode 10th State of Software Security Report). This was very high when […]
Responding to the Digıtal Sales Shift
Virtual selling is here to stay. Have you taken the necessary steps to adapt? Orasi President and CEO, Nick Kavadellas, spoke with Paul Nolan, Sales & Marketing Management Editor-in-Chief, to influence the article “Responding to the Digıtal Sales Shift” in the Special Report “The Digital Sales Revolution.” Download the full complete report today and read […]
Seven Essential Tools of the Trade for Making Your 2021 Sales Kickoff a Success
Article published in CEOWORLD Magazine by Nick Kavadellas, President and CEO at Orasi Software. How to eliminate complexity for sales teams and increase their knowledge retention. 2020 saw sales kickoffs move from convention centers to home offices and conference tables shift to kitchen tables. And, for the immediate future anyway, it looks as if people […]
Panel Recap: How is your performance and reliability strategy aligned with your customer experience?
By: Orasi; Rob Jahn, Technical Partner Manager of Dynatrace; and Paul Bruce, Director of Customer Engineering of Neotys I, Rob Jahn recently joined two industry veterans and Dynatrace partners, Orasi, and Paul Bruce of Neotys, as panelists to discuss how performance engineering and test strategies have evolved as it pertains to customer experience. This blog summarized our […]
DevOps/ITSM Continuous Operations: The sum is greater than the parts
It can feel like DevOps and ITSM are from different ends of the universe. However, to achieve ultimate success in either, they must be part of the same world. We’ll explore how DevOps and ITSM fit together and need each other to achieve true continuous flow.
DevOps Isn’t Novel but 5 Keys to How it Delivers Business Value And Is Making Waves
Article published in VMBlog by Nick Kavadellas, President and CEO at Orasi Software. Unlike 2020, DevOps isn’t novel: it has been a part of the software delivery conversation for the past 10+ years. However, taking center stage more recently is integrating security (i.e. DevSecOps), ensuring continuous app delivery/performance, operating in hybrid environments, training teams amidst […]
Best Practices for Securing Applications, Containers & Platforms
In order to build and run applications securely there are key architectural components that need to be in place. Without infrastructure components like proper encryption, standard authentication methods and logging standards developers are challenged to build secure applications.
Key Things To Know Before Moving Your Tableau Virtual Training Online
Are you moving your onsite training to virtual, online classes? Do you provide hands-on software training? If so, there are 7 essential things you need to know before you deliver your class online, including things to do before class, during class, and after class.