Top Container Monitoring Challenges and How to Overcome Them
By: Jim Azar, Sr. Vice President, CTO Containers are the new pieces of modern IT estate. They are the building blocks of cloud-native applications. Containers are both cost-effective and easier to construct than virtual machines. They represent a new, better, and leaner world of micro-engineered IT. The container market is growing at a brisk pace. […]
The State of DevOps and Security
Terry Brennan, Orasi Managing Director, joined Chuck Harold of Security Guy Radio to discuss security from the DevOps perspective, the challenges faced by organizations beginning their DevSecOps journey, the DevSecOps transformation and the impact of shifting left.
How to Better Navigate the World of DevSecOps with Sonatype and Saltworks Security
“It was a pleasure to sit down and talk about Security, OpenSouce and DevOps with Sonatype’s VP of Solutions Architecture, Maury Cupitt. We are happy to share a guest blog post about our discussion – Dennis Hurst, Founder and President of Saltworks Security – Orasi’s joint-venture.” Recently we partnered with Orasi Software and Saltworks Security […]
Optimizing Cloud Cost
Many companies are trying to make or have made the shift to the cloud. It sounds so promising and simple. They are shifting existing footprints to a cloud provider or even multiple providers. No more waiting on servers to arrive that must be racked and stacked.
The DevOps Roadmap: Orasi’s Guide to DevOps Success
Richard White, Orasi DevOps Managing Director, introduces Orasi’s DevOps service offerings, offering a roadmap to success.
Where QA Fits into a CI/CD DevOps Delivery Pipeline: A Customer Vignette
Syed Hussein, Orasi DevOps Architect, discusses a customer’s initiative to move core business applications to the cloud and move to an Agile delivery model, and how Orasi assisted them in determining where QA fits into their CI/CD DevOps delivery pipeline.
Creating a DevOps Roadmap for Financial Services and Risk Management Software
Rich Markham, Orasi Consultant, presents a recent customer engagement in which Orasi assessed the company’s current DevOps state and created a roadmap to help the company transition to a true DevOps organization.
Improving the DevOps Process in a Hospitality Point of Sale Application
Terry Brennan, Orasi DevOps Managing Director, discusses the challenges faced by a restaurant software provider and how Orasi was able to help them implement DevOps to make their processes better, easier, faster and more dynamic.
OrasiLabs Demonstration
With OrasiLabs, you bypass all that hassle by creating inexpensive, hands-on training environments in the cloud.
What is OrasiLabs?
OrasiLabs is a new concept in software training. For most people, the hardest part of delivering a software training class is building and deploying the student machines for hands-on practice.