Orasi 2023 Predictions: Expect the Unexpected in 2023 for DevSecOps and Virtual Application Training
Article published in VM Blog by Jim Azar, Orasi Senior VP and Chief Technology Officer. The AppDev sector pendulum is swinging in a new direction. The momentum shift started before the pandemic and has taught us to expect the unexpected in just about everything we do – especially when it comes to software development and […]
Pedal With Your Lungs: How Cycling and Software Training Align
Article published in InformationWeek by Joe Schulz, Orasi VP, Emerging Technology. The Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) World Tour is an elite road cycling marathon that includes 30+ races over 9+ months. I’ve been following since the February start: October marked the final ride. An avid cyclist and professional software application trainer, I’ve noticed parallels between […]
Why Zoom, Google Meet, etc. Failed Virtual Training in 2020

By: Karen Spencer, Area Vice President, OrasiLabs Product Manager COVID-19’s social distancing and remote work mandates sped the increase of virtual training and development adoption. With no indication of a return to prior levels of traditional onsite learning, the market has exponentially grown for effective virtual application training tools. eLearning Evolves with the Times Various […]
Engagement In The Era Of Enterprise ELearning
Article published in CEdMA by Joe Schulz: VP Emerging Technology at Orasi Software. The number of ways we can learn was on the rise long before the pandemic, but COVID served as a catalyst to speed the adoption of online virtual enterprise training models. As social distancing and remote-work became the foreseeable norm, the value of […]